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JAPANESE PAPER FANS]. [Three ukiyo-e woodblock-printed paper fans depicting kabuki actors and one with three ladies in Western clothing]. Published by Murakawa Soemon in Tokyo. 1888, 1892 and 1893.
OGAWA, KAZUMASA (Photogr. & Ed.): Military Costume in Old Japan. Photographed by K. Ogawa, under direction of Chitora Kawasaki and Ko-yu-kai (Tokyo Fine Art School). Tokyo 1893.
[JAPAN - SALES CATALOGUE]. Straw Hats Catalogue. New Fashion 1922. Full Fasihoned (sic) and Hand Tinished (sic). Y. Watanabe & Co., Bakudocho, Nihombashi, Tokyo, Japan. Tokyo 1922.
MAYERS, SALOMON F.: Report on a Journey from Peking to Shanghai overland by way of Honan by Mr. S.F. Mayers of Her Majesty's Consular Service in China. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty, June, 1898. London, Harrison and Sons, 1898.
 in books:
 1st edition:
 Cover: Hardcover
 Dustjacket: Yes